Campsite Maps

These are some campsite maps I’ve been working. I’m trying to make a bunch of plain combat maps that I can use in sessions, and campsites seemed like a good place to start.

All maps on this page will follow the same format and are designed for a 20×20 grid. I’ll be adding to this page as I have updates as well.

Update: I’ve updated the maps originally posted here with some nicer designs, skip to the end if you want the old versions still.

A campsite in a forest clearing.
A plains camp at nighttime.
A campsite on a tight mountain pass.
A close quarters campsite inside an abandoned building.
An open area cave/Underdark setting camp site.

The old versions of the maps are available too, they’re simpler (and uglier in my opinion) but I’ll keep them in case someone wants them still.

If you enjoyed this post, feel free to check on my other content! I try to update this site somewhat regularly with new content, mostly with maps and homebrew sheets from my campaigns.

One thought on “Campsite Maps

  1. Pingback: Updates to Campsite maps | Mostly Sheets and Numbers

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