Maps and World Building

Dragon Shrine in the Clouds

Hello! Long time no post, but here’s another free map! It’s themed as an Eastern styled shrine in the mountains and was a contest entry for a map-making contest hosted by Inkarnate. It received third place and got a mention on all their socials!

The Interdimensional Courtroom

An interdimensional courtroom, kind of a specific map setting but I think it’s interesting. This could also go as a courtroom flying through space, so use your imagination! Map is made with a 40×30 grid in mind.

The Dark God’s Altar

A touch-up a map I made and posted a long time ago. This map was made as part of the Inkarnate December map prompt challenges in their Discord server for the prompt “Well of Souls”. Made with a 30×30 grid in mind.

The Hell Mouth

A map of a hellish splintering in the earth. This map was made as part of the Inkarnate December map prompt challenges in their Discord server for the prompt “Hell Mouth”. Made with a 40×30 grid in mind.

Smoking Lounge and Restaurant

A map of a distinguished smoking lounge. This map was made as part of the Inkarnate December map prompt challenges in their Discord server for the prompt “Cloud Castle”. Made with a 30×40 grid in mind.

Dragon’s Rest Cliffside

A cliffside dragon’s nest map. This map was made as part of the Inkarnate December map prompt challenges in their Discord server. Made with a 30×40 grid in mind.

Overgrown Sewers

Some maps for some haunted-y encounters in a long dilapidated sewer system. A gross and dirty environment, not for those with weak constitution (the RPG attribute AND the personality trait). The current setting for my tabletop campaign, I enjoy making the players fight for their lives from my made-up horrors in this place. 40×30 40×40…

Haunted Town Center and Alleyway

A quick and spooky map for Halloween today. A long abandoned town square with a spooky fog rolling over, and plenty of space for a big monster or an encounter.

Desert Tomb Map

A quick and simple map from my most recent DnD session. The theme was a desert tomb, pillaged over the years but with an extra-secret room. Make up a puzzle for how your players can get from the special circle to the secret room!

Greek Temple Map

I made another map for a friend, the request was “a temple of healing with a secret entrance”. I wanted to put an extra spin on it so I used a Parthenon style open temple. The map comes in two parts, before and after revealing the secret entrance. The maps are made with a 40×40…

Frozen Hell Tomb

I made a frozen hell themed map for an Inkarnate subreddit contest. The goal was to make a hell themed map using the new map assets released. I wanted to try a little twist and do a frozen hell. I didn’t win anything for the entry but it was a nice chance to make something…

The Desert Fort

A new recent additions to my favorites, I made a fortress for a siege battle encounter for my tabletop RPG campaign. The set dressing is this: a tall, long dead tree was at one point repurposed into a watch tower with ladders and scaffolding to scale one’s way up it. Later, fortifications were gradually built…

Crystal Labyrinth Illusion Maps

I had done a concept in my tabletop RPG campaign for a ‘never ending labyrinth’. In reality, there was an illusion pulled on the players and their characters. The maps are full of similar hallways and corridors because they’re the same map rotated at different angles, made to represent going in a repeating (or at…

Underground Ruins Maps

More maps! It’s only two right now, but they’re larger in scale and intended for multi-session dungeon crawling. This is some work I’ve done from my 5e campaign, which is still continuing in the Underdark. I may have used them for the Underdark, but they could definitely be repurposed as some kind of cave or…

Underground and Caves Maps

My tabletop RPG campaign went to the deep unground, so I have a few maps to share. I’ve definitely been enjoying creating content for dark, dank caves and ruins.

Abandoned Manor Map

I made a for-fun map at someone’s request, so here it is! A spooky abandoned manor in the woods. I took some extra time to try some new techniques and details with shading and texturing.

Village Maps

I made some maps for an overhead view of villages in the story. These are originally for somewhat specific story-based locations, but with some imagination hopefully they’ll work for whatever they need to.

Winter Themed Maps

Another image dump of maps for my campaign, which is now in the winter season. There’s been a lot of travelling in the game itself, so a lot of the maps have been on or just off the roads.

Mapmaking Catchup

Work has been busy lately, so I’ve had a backlog on maps and tabletop RPG content I haven’t been able to post or work on. Because I’m not 100% sure the direction I want to take the campaign after the hiatus, I’ve kind of been working on some more generic and reusable play maps. It’s…

Labyrinths and Boss Fights

To set up for a dramatic finish to the first ‘story arc’ I wanted to two things: a very big dungeon to explore and then a dramatic looking map for a boss fight. I really enjoyed putting the extra effort into these, I think that they both show I’ve been getting better at different tricks…

Image Dump – Random Campaign Maps

Just putting out some of the maps I’ve made more recently. These have been specific to my recent tabletop RPG campaign, so the usefulness may vary. Some of the quality has been getting away from me as well since I’ve been busy with work and other stuff since the start of the year.

Castle Wall and Training Yard

Here’s a quick map meant to be a reusable outer wall castle set piece. I wanted something that can be used as a generic castle training area or barracks for sessions. I wasn’t 100% happy with how the dirt textures came out, but I’m gradually building up to understanding shading and texturing a bit better…

Campsite Maps

These are some campsite maps I’ve been working. I’m trying to make a bunch of plain combat maps that I can use in sessions, and campsites seemed like a good place to start. All maps on this page will follow the same format and are designed for a 20×20 grid. I’ll be adding to this…

To Build a Continent – Starting

This is just some short observations on creating a fictional continent. I recently starting creating maps and writing history on them for fun. The continent I’ve been writing for is the following: It’s easiest to start with the outline. For creating the landmass, there’s tons of software available now that can generate a decent looking…

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